
Take the First Step Towards a More

Energized Tomorrow

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

If you are showing signs of sleep apnea and have not had a sleep test analyzed by a sleep medicine physician, you'll need to schedule an in-person or at-home sleep test. Sleep tests are generally comfortable, and convenient and can even be done in the comfort of your home.  Contact our offices at (859) 721-2072 for recommended sleep physicians.

Once you have the results, you can send them to our office at info@sleepbetterlexington.com, then we will be in contact with you to schedule a consultation to evaluate if you are a candidate for Oral Appliance Therapy.

Submit Sleep Test Results


  • Do I need a sleep study before I schedule an appointment at Sleep Better Lexington?

    Yes, all of our patients are required to have a sleep study before they are seen at Sleep Better Lexington. There are many convenient ways to get a sleep study from the comfort of your own home. Please call our office to speak with one of our clinical leads and we can recommend a number of at-home sleep tests that work with your insurance. 

  • Do you accept insurance?

    At this time we are not in-network providers with insurance. We offer a number of flexible payment options and we are a partner with Care Credit.

  • How do I know if my child is a good candidate for oral appliance therapy?

    The first step would be to schedule a consultation with Dr. Takacs in office to discuss your concerns and have her do an initial exam.

  • What is OAT (oral appliance therapy) and how can it help me sleep better?

    Oral appliance therapy is an effective non-surgical option for treating snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. The most well-known and popular appliance is the mandibular advancement device. This appliance is custom fit, lab fabricated, and worn at night over your upper and lower teeth to support the lower jaw in a forward position, opening the airway while you sleep. A custom-fit oral appliance can help you achieve restorative and restful sleep contibuting to increased energy and vitality, overall good health, and physical and mental wellness

  • How do I take care of my oral appliance?

    We recommend using a soft toothbrush, and clear anti-bacterial liquid soap. We also offer our patients Retainer Brite to use periodically to keep the appliance sparkling clean. We caution against using denture cleaners, effervescent cleaners, or toothpaste with abrasive ingredients.

  • How is TMD diagnosed?

    During your initial consultation, Dr. Takacs will do a comprehensive exam, review your health history including TMD symptoms, take photos and a scan of your teeth, occlusion,  and bite forces as well as a CT panel. Using this information, a diagnosis and treatment plan will be determined.

The Epworth Sleepiness Score

Take the quiz below to gauge if you struggle with extreme sleepiness. If you score between 16-24 we recommend seeking medical care and requesting a sleep test to evaluate if sleep apnea might be the cause of your daytime sleepiness.

Download Quiz

What to Expect At Your First Visit

Once you have taken the necessary steps prior to scheduling an appointment with our team (sleep test if applicable) upon your first visit with us, Dr. Takacs will have you fill out a questionnaire to get a closer look into you or your child's sleep health issues.

If your questionnaire indicates a possibility that you or your child suffer from sleep apnea, TMJ, or mouth breathing our team will walk with you in taking the next steps towards your specialized treatment. 

We'll discuss sleep habits, sleep schedules, and symptoms, then we’ll perform a series of physical exams to evaluate the alignment and function of your teeth, jaws, neck, and nasal passageways. You can expect to be in and out of the office in 60-90 minutes.

During a new patient exam, we may perform: 

  • A cone Beam CT which provides a 3-D image of the airways, teeth, and jaws. Our team may also perform
  • A head and neck exam to get a physical look at the head and neck muscles to study how they move and interact with one another.

These tests will help us decide how to best treat your sleep health issues and help eliminate that loud snoring and labored, sporadic breathing keeping you up at night.

Dr. Takacs and our Sleep Better team will help determine the right Custom Oral Therapy Solutions for you or your child.

Get back the sleep you deserve contact us and take the first step towards improving your sleep health!

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Oral Appliance Providers

We are proud to be providers for Vivos, Tooth Pillow, and TruDenta to help patients of all ages get the sleep they deserve for a brighter tomorrow.

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A white background with a few lines on it


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